*No other airbrush can offer more versatility* Used by most of the t-shirt artists in the U.S., this model can achieve spray patterns from fine detail to broader coverage, while handling light, medium and heavy fluids. The VL-SET comes with all three sizes 1, 3 and 5, by using different size aircaps and needles. Suitable for both left or right-handed users. The VL has a tapered socket for securing a bottle or a cup. VL-SET components: * VL#3 double action airbrush * VL-189 head protecting cap * VL-1/4-OZ metal color cup (7 cc.) * VL-1-oz bottle assembly (29 cc.) * VL-1-oz bottle with lid * H-194: 1oz. bottle, cap and gasket (29 cc.) * VLT-1 and VLT-5 tips * VLN-1 and VLN-5 needles * VLA-1 and VLA-5 aircaps * A-34 hanger * V-62 wrench * A-1/8": 6' air hose with couplings * TTALB "22 Airbrush Lessons" booklet Tip opening sizes (included): Size #1 light fluids-spray pattern 1/64"- 1" (0.55 mm. tip opening) Size #3 medium fluids-spray pattern 1/32"- 1 1/4" (0.73 mm. tip opening) Size #5 heavy fluids-spray pattern 1/16"- 1 1/2" (1.07 mm. tip opening) Extra Bottles and Cups as well as Spare parts are in **Accessories & Spares**